Exploration of Phytochemical and Sun Protection Efficacy of Anthocephalus chinensis Leaves Extracts http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i4.17
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Overexposure to UV light can cause negative physical conditions for example sear, blot, skin maturing, and cancer of the skin. Using photoprotective or multifunctional products on a daily basis can help to mitigate these harmful health effects. Worries regarding skin protection, communal ramifications, and ethical trading possess increased industry attention in adding natural components into commercial products. Many investigations are presently working on extracts of herbs, however Anthocephalus chinensis is still understudied and underutilized. The study attempts to explore Anthocephalus chinensis phytochemical composition and sun-protective abilities. The leaves of Anthocephalus chinensis were extracted with petroleum ether, water, and ethanol employing the cold-maceration approach. An initial phytochemical search of the leaves extracts of Anthocephalus chinensis has been carried out. The UV spectroscopic method has been employed to assess the sun-protective capacity of the various Anthocephalus chinensis extracts. The outcomes of the phytochemical search discovered the existence of alkaloids and glycosides in all the Anthocephalus chinensis leaves extracts, whereas flavonoids were found only in water and ethanol extract. The sun protective abilities of the various extracts was detected to be 2.27±0.022, 1.57±0.003, and 0.70±0.006 for the ethanol, water, and petroleum ether extracts, respectively. Current work conclusions suggest that extracts of Anthocephalus chinensis leaves might be used to produce photoprotective preparations.
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